マーケティングキャンパス 基礎から実践までB2Bマーケティングを学ぶサイト

ホーム > コラム > ルース教授のグローバル講座 ─Global Marketers Channel by Ruth─ > B2Bマーケティング担当者が苦労する6つのデータ問題と解決方法─6 Thorny Data Problems That Vex B2B Marketers, and How to Solve Them─


─6 Thorny Data Problems That Vex B2B Marketers, and How to Solve Them─


B2Bマーケティング担当者は、複雑かつ急速に変化するデータの問題に悩まされています。顧客はさまざまなチャネルを介して企業とやり取りし、矛盾する情報を提供することもあります。私たちが古くから使用しているデータベースはそれほど堅牢ではないため、新しいツールやテクノロジーを評価していく必要があります。このB2Bデータの問題にフォーカスするために、Bernice Grossmanと私は解決策をリストとしてまとめました。最も厄介なもののいくつかをご紹介します。

1. 営業担当がデータ入力することにより、データベース内が汚くなる原因とは?



次に、営業担当者がデータ管理チームにデータを渡すためのプロセスを開発します。特定の営業担当者と特定のデータ管理チーム担当者をペアにすることで、データ入力者は担当営業の行動とコミュニケーションスタイルに関する経験を積むことができます。 相乗的な効果として、担当者同士は価値ある関係を築き、連携してデータ品質を向上させることができます。標準の会社名と住所を提供する、データベースサービス企業のリアルタイムインターフェースの利用を検討してください。 高価ですが非常に役立つツールです。

2. 顧客データを効果的にマージし、重複排除するには?


  • データ入力を改善するために、データ管理ルールを確立して実行します。これによりマージ問題をある程度制御できるようになります。

  • 分類やクレンジング、その他のマッチングを行うために特別に設計されたツールベンダーを見つけます。いくつかのベンダーをテストして最適なベンダーを見つけてください。

  • カスタムマッチングアルゴリズムを作成します。複数のマッチング/マージ企業から、自社のデータに対するアルゴリズムの結果を見せてもらいましょう。

3. ハウスリストでデータ要素が競合する場合、正しいデータを選択する方法とは?



4. データベースにはどの会社住所を入れるべきか?


5. オムニチャネルの世界で各タッチポイントの効果測定にはとても苦労します。何かアイデアは?



6. ソーシャルメディアのコンテンツなど、非構造化データの管理方法について


ルース・スティーブンス プロフィール

コロンビア大学客員教授。イーマーケティングストラテジー社 代表取締役。

Business-to-business marketers are plagued by data problems.  Business data is complex and fast-changing.  Customers interact with us through a variety of channels, and often provide us with conflicting information.  Our legacy databases are not as robust as we need.  New tools and technologies emerge and must be evaluated.  It’s a never-ending battle.  To shed some light on B2B data problems, Bernice Grossman and I compiled a working list of problems and solutions.  Here are some of the thorniest.

1. Data entered by our sales people ends up as mush in our database.

They don’t follow the rules; or there are no rules.  That may be okay for the rep, but it’s not okay for the company.

Here’s the best practice: Create a centralized data input group.  Train and motivate them well.  Give them objective rules to follow.  Develop a simple method for testing the accuracy from this group as an ongoing practice.  If this group cannot follow the rules, then the rules should be re-evaluated.

Then, develop a very simple process by which reps pass their data to this group.  Dedicate particular group members to certain reps, so the input person builds experience about rep’s behavior and communication style.  The bonus: these two parties will team, build a valuable relationship, work together well, and improve data quality.

Consider enabling the data input group with a real-time interface with a database services provider to prompt the standard company name and address.  This can be an expensive, but very helpful, tool.

2. How do I match and de-duplicate customer records effectively?

Some approaches to consider:

  • Establish─and enforce─data governing rules to improve data entry, which will keep your matching problems under some semblance of control.

  • Find a solid software vendor with a tool specifically designed to parse, cleanse and otherwise do the matching for you.  Test a few vendors to find the one that works best with your data.

  • Create a custom matching algorithm.  As a place to start, ask several match/merge companies to show you examples of the results of their algorithm against your data.

3. When data elements conflict in my house file, how do I decide which is the “truth”?

The short answer is:  by date.  The most recent data is the one you should default to.

But also keep in mind when importing data to enhance your records that appended data will always have its limitations, and is best viewed as directional, versus real “truth.”  Be careful not to build targeting or segmentation processes that are primarily dependent on appended data.

You could consider conducting an audit to validate the quality of your various append sources.  (This is usually done by telephone, and it’s not cheap.)  Then you can add a score to each appended element, based on its source, to manage the risk of relying on any particular element.

4. Which corporate address should I put in my database?

There’s the legal address and the financial (banking) address, which may be different.  Or there may be a street address and a P.O. box address.  Equifax and D&B often supply the financial address.  The address to receive proxies is different from the address to receive advertising mail.  How should I sort all this out?

As a marketer, your concern is delivery.  You care about a bill to and a ship to.  Focus on the address where mail and packages are delivered.

5. Measuring the impact of each touch in our omni-channel world is driving us nuts.  Any ideas?

The attribution problem has heated up recently, fueled by the rise of digital marketing.  But it’s really nothing new.  The traditional attribution methods of assigning the credit have long been either the first touch (the inquiry source medium) or the last touch (the channel through which the lead was either qualified or converted to a sale).  Marketers are in general agreement today as to the deficiencies of either of these traditional methods.

Digital marketers are using various approaches to the attribution problem, like weighting touches based on stage or role in the buying process, or by the type of touch—attending a two-hour seminar being weighted more heavily than a content download.

6. How should I handle unstructured data, like social media content.  All this “big data” stuff is getting bigger, and meaner, every day.

User-generated social media content may offer valuable insights into customer needs and issues.  But marketers first must think through how they will use the information to drive business results.  First you must develop a use case.  Then, you must develop a way to attribute the information to a record. For example, one method to allow the match is collecting multiple cookies to find an email address or other identifier.  There may be situations where you want to track sentiment without attributing it to a particular customer but to a group, like large companies versus small.  In either case, we suggest that you test the value of the data before you put a lot of time and money into capturing it in your marketing database.

Ruth P.  Stevens Bio

Ruth P.  Stevens consults on customer acquisition and retention, teaches marketing at business schools in the U.S.  and abroad, and is a guest blogger at Biznology and Target Marketing Magazine, and a contributing writer at AdAge.  Crain’s BtoB magazine named Ruth one of the 100 Most Influential People in Business Marketing.  Her newest book is B2B Data-Driven Marketing: Sources, Uses, Results.  Ruth has held senior marketing positions at Time Warner, Ziff-Davis, and IBM and holds an MBA from Columbia University.  Learn more at www.ruthstevens.com.