マーケティングキャンパス 基礎から実践までB2Bマーケティングを学ぶサイト

ホーム > コラム > ルース教授のグローバル講座 ─Global Marketers Channel by Ruth─ > B2B顧客を維持するための7つの戦略【第2回】─B2B Customer Retention: Seven Strategies for Keeping Your Customers─


─B2B Customer Retention: Seven Strategies for Keeping Your Customers─














コンシューマ市場では、この概念はウォレットシェア(wallet share)と呼ばれます。ゼネラルモーターズは「share of garage」と呼び、マクドナルドは「share of stomach」と呼んでいます。このアイデアは、カテゴリ内での顧客の自然な支出をできるだけ多く取り込むことです。そして、追加の支出を後押しします。



  1. アップセルとは、製品のアップグレードや大量購入など、問合せのあった製品よりも豊富なオプションで購入してもらうよう顧客を惹きつけることです。マクドナルドは、「SuperSize that for you, Ma’am?」というような、アップセルのための親しみやすい表現を使って一般に広く知られるようになりました。マクドナルドの経営陣は、最終的にメニューの健全性に対する一連の質問に応え、2004年にすべての取引でSuperSizeへのアップセルを求めないことを発表しました。

  2. クロスセリングとは、関連製品または追加製品の販売を意味します。マクドナルド用語では、クロスセリングは「Fries with that、Sir?」と表現されます。顧客が必要とする可能性がある追加の製品やサービスを特定することで効果を得ることができます。クロスセリングは行動原則の上に成り立ちます。

優秀な営業担当者たちは、そもそものアップセルを行い、さらに担当アカウントへのクロスセルも行います。マーケティング組織は、彼らが容易に獲得できる案件を特定するために設計したデータベースマーケティング手法で、営業チームの生産性を高めることができます。データベースマーケティングの第一人者Arthur Hughesによって開発された手法の1つは「next best product」分析として知られています。




「レイテンシー」のコンセプトを普及させたマーケティングアナリストであるJim Novoによる有効な例があります。Novo氏は、購入パターンは安定する傾向がありパターンからの離反は問題が生じているサインであること、行動を取る機会になると指摘しています。例えば60日ごとに注文する顧客から60日経っても注文が入らない場合、企業はすぐに連絡するべきです。結果的に何も問題はなくても、高いレベルのカスタマーサービスを証明したことになるかもしれません。または、問題が明らかになる場合もあります。その場合は迅速に解決策を検討する機会にもなります。

ルース・スティーブンス プロフィール

コロンビア大学客員教授。イーマーケティングストラテジー社 代表取締役。

A large number of strategies have emerged from the recent interest in retention marketing.  Of these, the following have worked particularly well for business marketers.  Let us discuss each in turn.

Meeting and exceeding customer expectation

The first essential strategy in retention marketing is to deliver on the promise made to the customer at the point of acquisition.  Meeting customer expectations is simply the meets-minimum requirement for doing ongoing business.  Any dissatisfaction with the product, service or experience will be an insurmountable barrier to retention.  The best retention marketing in the world cannot overcome product problems.

So, the first step on developing a retention strategy is to ensure that you have a viable, competitive product, and all the other elements of product marketing are in place─that its features meet the market’s need, that its quality is satisfactory and that it is priced correctly and distributed well.  In short, a maniacal focus on the core business is essential.  Without this, any investment in retention programs is doomed─and a waste.

Customer service

The same logic applies to the question of problem resolution.  If a customer’s product or service problem is not resolved quickly and satisfactorily, retention strategies are fruitless.

This is not an easy matter, however.  As buyer expectations rise, companies find that they must invest in higher levels of service than ever.  But customer service has traditionally been viewed as a cost center, and a drain on profits.  So less enlightened companies feel pressured to squeeze expense out of the customer service function.

However, studies have shown that strong service levels can have an important payoff in retention, and thus in long-term profits.  For one thing, a customer whose problem was identified and resolved has been shown to indicate a stronger intention to repurchase than even a customer who never had a problem in the first place.

One strategy to consider is migrating the customer service function from a cost center to a profit center, by training and motivating service reps to take advantage of opportunities to sell more into the account.

Penetration marketing

If you agree that customer acquisition represents an expense, or, more accurately, an investment, and that the customer relationship only becomes profitable upon retention, then penetration is where the firm’s profits lie.  Penetration marketing is about maximizing the value of the customer asset by optimizing the sales to current customers.

In consumer markets, this concept is often referred to as wallet share.  General Motors calls it “share of garage.”  McDonald’s restaurant chain calls it “share of stomach.”  The idea is to capture as much of the customer’s natural spending in the category as possible.  And to stimulate additional spending where possible.

In business markets, the concept is typically called account penetration, and is often the province of the sales person assigned to the account.

Essentially, penetration can be boiled down to two types of selling:

  1. Up-selling, which means enticing the customer to buy a richer version of the product in question, such as an upgrade or a larger volume.  McDonald’s skills at penetration marketing entered the popular culture with its familiar shorthand for up-selling: “SuperSize that for you, Ma’am?”  As McDonald management eventually responded to a chorus of questions about the healthfulness of its menu, the company announced in 2004 that it would no longer require its order-takers to attempt the SuperSize up-sell with every transaction.

  2. Cross-selling, meaning offering a related or additional product.  In McDonald’s terminology, cross-selling is expressed as “Fries with that, Sir?”  Cross selling allows a company to gain leverage from the customer relationship by identifying additional products or services that the customer might need.  Cross-selling is built on the principle: “I have acquired a relationship with this customer.  Now what else can I offer him?”

Skilled sales people are natural up-sellers and cross-sellers into their accounts.  But the marketing function can boost the productivity of the sales force with a variety of database marketing techniques designed to identify the low-hanging fruit, so sales people can invest their time wisely.  One of these, pioneered by the database marketing guru Arthur Hughes, is knows as “next best product” analysis.

This method compares the buying patterns of like buyers and flags any deviations from it that may occur in individual accounts.  So, if the average small manufacturer is buying $50,000 of pipes and $20,000 of hoses per year, and we notice a certain company that is buying about the right amount of pipes but is under-buying in hoses, we would undertake a marketing effort to promote hoses in such accounts.

Defection prevention

The single best way to ensure retention is by preventing defection.  An alert marketer can easily put in place effective defection prevention strategies.  Why?  Because defecting customers almost always give off signals of their impending departure─if you are prepared to pay attention.  All it takes is that you identify the key variables, and set up tripwires to capture the signals and put in place programs to remedy them.

One useful example comes from the marketing analyst Jim Novo, who popularized the concept of “latency.”  Novo points out that buying patterns tend to stabilize, and that any deviation in the patterns may be a sign of a problem─and an opportunity to take action.  For example, if you notice that a buyer typically places an order every 60 days, then if 60 days go by and no order arrives, the seller should immediately make an inquiry.  It may be nothing─in which case you’ve demonstrated your high levels of customer service.  Or it may reveal a problem─in which case you have an opportunity to find a solution, fast.

Ruth P.  Stevens Bio

Ruth P.  Stevens consults on customer acquisition and retention, teaches marketing at business schools in the U.S.  and abroad, and is a guest blogger at Biznology and Target Marketing Magazine, and a contributing writer at AdAge.  Crain’s BtoB magazine named Ruth one of the 100 Most Influential People in Business Marketing.  Her newest book is B2B Data-Driven Marketing: Sources, Uses, Results.  Ruth has held senior marketing positions at Time Warner, Ziff-Davis, and IBM and holds an MBA from Columbia University.  Learn more at www.ruthstevens.com.