マーケティングキャンパス 基礎から実践までB2Bマーケティングを学ぶサイト

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─Where is B2B marketing headed? 7 predictions─



1. マーケティングテクノロジーのさらなる成長と統合化

Scott Brinkerが2011年にMarTech(マーテック)市場で150のソリューションを特定し、そのランドスケープを追い続けて以来、テクノロジーはとどまることなく成長し続けています。2018年には、6,829のソリューションによるカオスマップとなり、前年度から27%増加しました。これは驚くべきことです。統合化する時期にきていますが、企業側はこうした大量のMarTechの中で身動きできず、各ベンダーは争奪戦を繰り広げています。私は今後、主要なベンダーによるM&Aを予測します。1つの結論として、マーケティング担当者は、絶え間なく成長し続けるMarTechを管理するために、これまで以上に高度な技術を必要とされているということです。

2. B2Bマーケティングに不可欠なツールになる予測分析

データとモデリングはB2Bでは特に目新しいことではありませんが、ここ数年、ツールセットに入った手法や戦略は、次世代のデータドリブンマーケティングの実現を可能にしてくれます。特に、購買シグナル(インテントデータ)や類似モデリングなどの新しいアプローチは、引き続き新規ユーザの獲得を可能にし、より高度なABMソリューションを実現します。Lattice、Mintigo、6Sense、Leadspace、MRP Prelytixがこのようなソリューションを提供しています。

3. AIが現実に


4. セルフサービス分析


5. GDPRはB2Bマーケターにとってまだ早急


6. カスタマーエクスペリエンスは、B2Bの重要分野に

ここまで長い時間がかかりましたが、B2Bマーケターは価格よりもはるかに製品やブランド、その企業に関する直接的および間接的な経験に基づいて、顧客が購入決定するという事実にようやく気付きました。物事は合理的でなければならない、とされているB2Bにおいてさえもです。B2Bマーケティングおよびセールスにフォーカスした米国のリサーチファームであるSirius Decisionsは、このトピックについて何年も言及し続けてきました。顧客の関心が高まるにつれて、企業のマーケティング部門は、顧客や見込顧客に対し、どうしたら違和感なく、有用で楽しい経験を提供位できるかということに注力していくべきでしょう。提供する方法にフォーカスしていくでしょう。

7. ミレニアル世代の購買行動を理解することが成功の鍵



ルース・スティーブンス プロフィール

コロンビア大学客員教授。イーマーケティングストラテジー社 代表取締役。

I had the honor to speak to Symphony Marketing clients about the state of B2B marketing in the U.S.  I ended the presentation with seven predictions about the future of B2B marketing.  Things are evolving quickly─as buying behavior changes, and new technologies take hold.  I hope these provide food for thought for readers of the Symphony Marketing Campus.

1. More growth in marketing technology─and more consolidation.

Ever since Scott Brinker began tracking the martech space in 2011, when he identified 150 point solutions on the market, the category's growth has been unstoppable.  In 2018, he counted 6,829 solutions, up 27% from the year prior.  This is nuts.  And ripe for consolidation, as buyers sit paralyzed by the deluge, and vendors scramble to stand out.  I predict major M&A on the horizon.  One corollary point is that marketing executives will need to be tech savvier than ever to manage their ever-growing martech stacks.

2. Predictive analytics becomes an essential tool in B2B.

Data and modeling are nothing new in B2B, but the tools and strategies that have entered the toolset in the last few years are setting us up for a new kind of data-driven future.  Particularly in prospecting, new resources like purchase signals ("intent data") and lookalike modeling will continue to expand marketers’ access to new audiences and provide scale to their ABM programs.  Look to Lattice, Mintigo, 6Sense, Leadspace and MRP Prelytix.

3. AI gets real.

The marketing buzzword of the year, artificial intelligence is proving its value in speeding up data processing and applying machine learning to digital advertising, predictive analytics, responsive websites, chatbots, and all manner of customer management.  When Salesforce.com introduced an AI plug-in called Einstein, my point was proved.

4. Self-service analytics.

As martech gets more complex, and CMOs are close to controlling tech budgets as large as CIOs, next up is the need for simplicity, and new ways for marketers to take advantage of technology without becoming total geeks.  Enter self-service, which essentially means more sophisticated business intelligence tools that feature ease of use along with speed and power.  IBM's Watson may be the most famous of the bunch.  But cheaper, more accessible competitors will be coming along, I reckon.

5. GDPR will give B2B marketers a break.

This is certainly wishful thinking, but my gut says the EU regulators will clarify, once the dust settles, whether some exceptions─or workarounds--may be available to B2B marketers.  At this point in the U.S., GDPR is viewed as a bit of a joke─and certainly an annoyance─among consumers and business buyers, who are already sick of receiving compliance emails from suppliers.

6. Customer experience will become a key discipline in B2B.

It's been a long time coming, but B2B marketers are finally waking up to the fact that purchase decisions are based far less on price and more on direct and indirect experience with the product, the brand and the company.  Even in B2B, where things are supposed to be so rational.  Sirius Decisions has been following this topic for some years.  As interest grows, so will marketing departments focus on how to deliver consistent, informative and enjoyable experiences─online and off─to customers and prospects.

7. Understanding Millennial buying behavior will be key to success.

I've offered tips about marketing to Millennials before.  But new data suggests that this cohort is more influential than ever.  They are now responsible for researching and influencing 65% of purchase decisions, and in 13% they are the decision makers themselves.  Moreover, it turns out that the first place they look for solutions is not Google search and your website, but on social media.  As these people age, their influence will grow.  We need to be on their wavelength.

So, those are my predictions for B2B marketing in 2018.  Please look for my 2019 predictions in about six months!

Ruth P. Stevens Bio

Ruth P. Stevens consults on customer acquisition and retention, teaches marketing at business schools in the U.S. and abroad, and is a guest blogger at Biznology and Target Marketing Magazine, and a contributing writer at AdAge.  Crain’s BtoB magazine named Ruth one of the 100 Most Influential People in Business Marketing.  Her newest book is B2B Data-Driven Marketing: Sources, Uses, Results.  Ruth has held senior marketing positions at Time Warner, Ziff-Davis, and IBM and holds an MBA from Columbia University.  Learn more at www.ruthstevens.com.