マーケティングキャンパス 基礎から実践までB2Bマーケティングを学ぶサイト

ホーム > コラム > ルース教授のグローバル講座 ─Global Marketers Channel by Ruth─ > B2B顧客を維持するための7つの戦略【第1回】─B2B Customer Retention: Seven Strategies for Keeping Your Customers─


─B2B Customer Retention: Seven Strategies for Keeping Your Customers─


B2Bマーケティング担当者は、リテンションマーケティングから多くを学ぶ必要があります。企業の顧客は減少し、価値があがる傾向があります。つまり、1人でも失うことはできません。競合他社より顧客を維持し、購入し続けてもらうにはどのようにしたらよいのでしょうか? 解約や離反はどのように防ぐべきでしょうか?







  1. アンケート調査への回答を通じて、再購入の意思を測定する

  2. 製品保証の更新や製品問い合わせの電話など、関係維持に引き続き関心があることを示唆する代替の行動を特定する

  3. 推薦する意思を測定する





  • リピート購入

  • 平均受注規模

  • 複数製品またはサービスの購入

  • 他部門または他企業の購買担当への紹介


  • 営業担当者は、自身の担当領域を侵す一貫性のないメッセージやオファーに懸念を示す

  • 経営層は、顧客を管理するためのプロモーションを排除するときの間接的なコストを心配する

  • テストには追加の費用と時間がかかる

  • 活動領域は小さく、製品は急速に変化するため、今年のテストは来年のビジネス環境に適用されない可能性がある


  • 時間をかけて自身で測定する

  • 自社の業界に対して測定する



ルース・スティーブンス プロフィール

コロンビア大学客員教授。イーマーケティングストラテジー社 代表取締役。

Business marketers have much to gain from retention marketing.  Business customers tend to be fewer and more valuable─meaning you can’t afford to lose even one.  But how do you keep your customers active and buying from you, versus the competition?  How do you prevent defection?  This white paper defines retention marketing and explains its importance to business marketers.

At the outset, however, it behooves us to agree upon a definition of “retention.”  The term has been widely misunderstood─even abused─of late, by business marketers and consumer marketers alike.

Defining retention

The true meaning of customer retention is the subject of some controversy.  Does it mean repurchase?  Intent to repurchase?  Referral?  Or does it simply mean a feeling of loyalty to the brand?

In fact, the easiest way to approach retention is from the negative:  Retention means that the customer has not defected.  In other words, that the customer remains active.  But exactly how to define─and thus measure─customer activity is open to question.

Some marketers take an action-oriented, and essentially conservative, stance, insisting that the true meaning of retention is repurchase.  There is some logic to this argument.  Since repurchase is the source of conversion to customer profitability, it presents an attractive metric for assessing performance.  Upon acquisition, the stage typically associated with the initial purchase, your strategic objective with new customers is to stimulate repurchase.

But this approach can be hard to apply to product categories with long or complex sales cycles, which is entirely typical in business buying.  Managing the customer relationship when repurchase is so intermittent is problematic.  In such cases, there are three possible approaches:

  1. Measure intent to repurchase, through such indicators as answers to survey questions

  2. Identify alternative behaviors that suggest continuing interest in sustaining the relationship, such as renewing a warranty or calling a sales rep to ask a product

  3. Measure willingness to refer

However we decide to define retention, the essential objective of retention marketing is to avoid re-acquisition.  Instead of continually acquiring and losing customers, which incurs additional expense, we seek to get a customer, please the customer, and keep the customer.

How to measure retention

If retention is difficult to define, it can be even harder to measure, especially for business marketers.  The fundamental problem lies, ironically, in the value of the business customer.  You want to retain them because they are so valuable.  Yet, setting up metrics is difficult in fact because they are so valuable.

The ideal marketing metric is based on the test-and-control method.  So ideally you want to isolate a certain set of customers from the rest of the customer base, apply your retention tactic to the remainder, and see what kind of lift you experienced in such obvious metrics as

  • Repeat purchase

  • Average order size

  • Purchase of multiple products or services

  • Referral to buyers in other departments or in outside companies

But in most business marketing situations, it’s well nigh impossible to set up control groups, for the following reasons:

  • Salespeople worry about inconsistent messages and offers going into their territories

  • Management worries about leaving money on the table when eliminating promotions to control accounts

  • Testing incurs extra expense and time investment

  • Universes are small, and products change rapidly, so this year’s test may not apply to next year’s business environment

So, business marketers are limited to proxy measures, among them:

  • Measuring against yourself, over time.  So, you would look at churn rate, or repeat buying rate by segment, or any other metric, year on year, and hope for an improvement

  • Measuring against your industry.  Some industry groups invest in the kind of research that assesses benchmarks against which any individual player can measure performance

Whatever measurement plan you adopt, the important thing is that you set benchmarks and expectations in advance, so you can declare success (or failure) with clarity after your retention programs have been operational over a reasonable time.

Ruth P.  Stevens Bio

Ruth P.  Stevens consults on customer acquisition and retention, teaches marketing at business schools in the U.S.  and abroad, and is a guest blogger at Biznology and Target Marketing Magazine, and a contributing writer at AdAge.  Crain’s BtoB magazine named Ruth one of the 100 Most Influential People in Business Marketing.  Her newest book is B2B Data-Driven Marketing: Sources, Uses, Results.  Ruth has held senior marketing positions at Time Warner, Ziff-Davis, and IBM and holds an MBA from Columbia University.  Learn more at www.ruthstevens.com.